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CASAFUTURA For Unisex (3,5,10,20 ML)

CASAFUTURA For Unisex (3,5,10,20 ML)

Regular price Dhs. 25.00 AED
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 25.00 AED
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Futurism was an Italian Art Movement in the early 20th century, between 1908 to 1944, which aimed to capture the dynamism and energy of the modern world in art form.
The futurists were all focused in the latest developments in science and philosophy, and particularly fascinated with aviation and cinematography.
Casamorati celebrated with CASAFUTURA this important artistic period to celebrate modernity, technology and romanticism in a single perfume blend.
Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot, Eucalyptus
Rose, Geranium , Diphylleia Grayi , Patchouli
Cedarwood, Musk, Sandalwood

إكليل الجبل، اللافندر، البرغموت، الأوكالبتوس
الورد، إبرة الراعي، ديفيليا غراي، الباتشولي
خشب الأرز، المسك، خشب الصندل

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